Monthly Archives: January 2013


     I am really excited to start a New Year. I have been behind the scenes working on a huge surprise. I have started my very own online shop. I have been inspired by numerous people around me to sell my projects. I ‘ve taken it all into consideration, and decided that this is the best thing that I’ve ever done. It makes sense to me, and it’s worth the risk. It is a scary thing to put yourself out there in the world, but I’m doing it.
     I have been in the sewing room for days. Planning,sewing, and organizing. I want to shout out to my friend Ayna Nixon, for her expertise on the business cards. They are amazing. She is the technical one.
   As of January 14th, my  little online shop is live. This is the link and it’s on the side of the page as well. I am still going to be working on new things for my blog and shop. I enjoy sharing what’s going on in my life and sewing world and putting it all here. So, that will not change.

Today, I am going to make some pinwheels and I am going to share that with you. I really think that pinwheels are just the cutest thing ever.  I have a section of 23*23 left of the Noah Ark panel. So, I am going to make a 40*40 baby blanket. Then, I am going to put it in the shop. Hehehe..I love that. I am being silly.

Fist I am going to cut out 2 fabrics strips to 4 1/4″.

 Then, cut 4 1/4″ blocks.

Now, place them right sides together.

Stack them. Now, we can take them to sew.

We are going to sew a 1/4″ seam all the way around the block.

When you get a 1/4″ from the corner. Stop with needle down.

Lift presser foot and turn.

Foot down and go.

Once sewn on all sides. I am going to cut an X.

I pressed these open with the seam going to the darker fabric. Then, I nipped off the edges that were poking out.

Here the pieces need to be set nearby. I have a little pull out tray. I also have a tv tray. If your space is big enough, you can just set it next to the machine.

I flipped the left onto the right top piece. Pin where you are going to sew the seam. The seam goes where my thumb is at.

Do that with the bottom as well.

Now, I am going to sew the top and bottom together. Lay the top with right sides together.

Sew the seam where I am pointing.

Open and press. I squared it up to 4 1/2 inches. It’s a 1/4″ larger than what I needed. I just want to make sure that all blocks are nice and square. I thought this was super simple. It didn’t take long at all. I’ll be working on this and show you the progress when I am done. I’ll blog at ya later.